Wednesday, April 6, 2011

More tulips.... so I can pretend it's Spring

I keep buying tulips at the grocery store; it's so gray and cold and rainy outdoors, and my own tulips are barely peeking through the ground.

In the window
Back-lighted pair

Stacked pair
A single

Bright center
Pile of petals


Elise Ann Wormuth said...

These are lovely, Evelyn. I haven't been able to resist them, either.

TexWisGirl said...

Gosh they're beautiful - store bought is just fine with me to tide you over - especially when you'll share...

Gail Dixon said...

Great display of your gorgeous tulips. Enjoyed seeing you experiment with light and different angles.

Tricia said...

Very pretty! I've been buying lots of flowers too...I can't wait for warmer weather :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I would love love love a great big bouquet of tulips for a dining room centerpiece... Niiice shots!!! =)

Lisa Gordon said...

These are gorgeous Evelyn!
I especially love "Bright Center."
Beautifully done!
Have a wonderful weekend!
