Sunday, July 31, 2011

August Break

I'm trying something different for a month:  starting tomorrow, I'm joining in with Susannah Conway's August Break . Even though I don't use a lot of words on my blog, this will be a challenging change for me.  Daily...or almost without words.  As Susannah points out, however, there are no rules.


Lisa Gordon said...

I am so glad you will be there Evelyn! It was a wonderful time when I did it last year.

Happy Sunday to you!

Roan said...

I'm giving the August Break a try, as well. I'm kind of looking forward to it, but skeptical I will be able to go the whole month without words. Good luck!

Soulful said...

hmmm.. that's really interesting! go girl! good luck to your photo shoots this August!

Elise Ann Wormuth said...

Hmmm. I don't know whether I can do it without words (I've never entered Wordless Wednesday). Maybe I'll do a part-time August break . . .

Reena said...

mmm.... tempting but not sure, not sure if I can... maybe this week while on vacation???

Gail Dixon said...

I like this concept! Blog posts with too many words I don't have time to really read, so no words will give me more time to see more stuff! I like this idea a lot! Not sure I will participate myself, but it is tempting...

joco said...

Good. I've put you on my list.
Thirty posts until my birthday.
And I need to lose 8 lbs to get back to my yearly weigh-in weight on that day.
Help me get there, will you? I need encouragement to eat less and walk more.