It's No. 85 for Tricia's Barn Charm meme! That means there are a lot of barn photos in the archives. Tricia always has some fabulous images from her corner of Missouri, and today's post is no exception. I'm so impressed by the foliage around the barn, too.
My own "barn" is located along the Imnaha highway in the NE corner of Oregon....on the way to the Hells Canyon, the Snake River, and Idaho, eventually. I didn't make it that far, but it was a delightful 30-mile drive into what we often call a "banana belt" because of its temperate climate. When I stopped to photograph this little shack, my 91-year-old mother noticed the "chimney" and commented that it might have once been a sheepherder's shack. Whatever it is, it's a delightful old "barn."
What a cute little barn - full of charm!
It's definitly charming!
The white tarp suggests a leak. I hope it's repaired and this little barn/shack is preserved.
Love all that fencing too!
very cool photo and place. :)
Neat photo
Yes, it's small and cute! Nice photo.
It is a delightful old barn, whether it was the sheepherder's shack or housed the sheep.
Another nice piece of Americana! I love that we are preserving these treasures through our photos!
a nice little place!
LOve your processing of this shot...and the barn itself is so small and sweet. I can just see the sheep up on the hill behind. Hope the owners get around to tinning the rest of the roof. genie
Love it...nice find! How wonderful that your 91yr old Mom was able to enjoy the ride and offer her perspective!
Having read books where kids found old huts like this on their property and used them for forts and hideaways, I have long coveted finding one myself.
This is a perfect little sample to fuel the fires of my imagination.
Look at that dark wood, I so love it! It just may have been a sheepherder's cabin, but it qualifies for a spot on Barn Charm, for sure!
Thank you so much for your kind words & comments, Evelyn, very much appreciated... garsh *blush* LoL! =)
So absolutely charming is this sweet little barn! I love the landscape too. Very desert-y in feel. Lovely shot, Evelyn!
It is a very charming old building!! Are they laying tin over the shingles?
Surely you must be running out of barns by now lol, this one is quite different to the rest you have found
Oh do I love this!!!!!
I really admire your style of photography Evelyn. Good eye to spot this little "barn" and your composition just adds to the mystery of it. Stories to tell!
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