Sunday, June 17, 2012

Riverfest Reflection

Our little town has a Riverfest celebration each year on Father's Day and high school Alumni weekend.  So often, it is blustery and rainy...even cold.  This year was one of the sunny years, however. The local Lions club now sponsors the event, which includes a "show and shine" car show, a quilt show, a treasure hunt, various booths, and the Rubber Duck Derby (this year more than 900 little ducks were sponsored at $2 apiece for the race down half a mile of Phillips Creek at the edge of town).  The day ends with the high school alumni banquet, which generally serves 200-300 returning alumni.

For Your Sunday Best and Weekly Top Shot, I've chosen one of the many images I took at the car show.  Because the cars are lined up beside each other, photographing the entire car means dealing with distracting backgrounds.   So I decided I'd record some details.   This is one of my favorites:  when I was concentrating on a bright orange coupe, I noticed the reflection of the neighboring Mustang in the "baby moon" hubcap.  (My entire album is posted on Facebook: )


Anonymous said...

Evelyn, I absolutely love this shot! I love the color and the Mustang reflection is the icing on the cake! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #35!

Rosemary Aubut said...

What a great capture! Much more interesting than photographing the entire car! Great job!

TexWisGirl said...

really, really, really cool shot.

love your header, too!

Candy C. said...

Cool reflection and I'm with Madge, love that orange! :)

Ellie said...

This is a great shot - love everything about it. The reflection is just the icing on the cake. Perfect shot :))

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Love this reflection shot and the bright orange color. Great header photo also!

Tricia said...

What a great photo! I loved all the others too :)

Gail Dixon said...

You did what any good photographer would do: embrace the imperfect conditions and find the positive. You ended up with a stellar photo! Congrats. :)

Rambling said...

Very cool shot!

Ross said...

Great shot!I really like your thought process behind the shot. I also really like the vibrant color.

Nancy said...

Perfect! Your talent never disappoints.

Thank you for sharing at YSB this week. xoxo

Denise at Autumn Sky said...

Oh, I really like this shot. I am not a "car person" and have no photos of cars, but if I saw an orange coupe I'd be all over it!

Dan said...

Love the fact your community pulls out all the stops to celebrate.

Nice car detail too!

As previously mentioned, I too like your header photo.

Daryl said...

Oh I adore this .. so clever .. if the opportunity presents itself I will be 'stealing' this POV

Anonymous said...

Brilliant shot!

Bridget Larsen said...

I love this photo, so many contrasting colours to add to it

Elizabeth Edwards said...

such a great shot. i love it. a photo within a photo. awesome!! did you plan it or did it just happen? (:

Lisa Gordon said...

Fantastic reflection.
Beautifully seen and captured!

Margaret said...

Absolutely an amazing capture!