Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Musing on a Bleeding Heart

A two-hour power outage really messed up my regular Monday night schedule of editing photos for three blog memes; I couldn't go to bed because I didn't know which lights were still turned on, so I read a book by the light of a little LED flashlight.  It was such a relief when the power came back on!  My choice for Nancy's Tuesday Muse is an image of my white Bleeding Heart.  I only wish the plants produced more flowers; as it is, I have to get down on my stomach to photograph the few that do appear.

Textures: Nancy's Spring Fever and nc-Navajo; Pixlr border


Anne Payne said...

Well, I'm glad you got down there and took the photo. It's absolutely gorgeous. I love the editing!

Carole M. said...

doing without power really puts us out doesn't it. You have to think during those hours about those before us who lived it tough. Love your bleeding heart..

Nancy said...

I'd like a photo of you taking this photo. :) It's lovely Evelyn.

Thanks for sharing today. xo

The Artful Diva said...

ah the things we do for our art. If I had to lie down on my stomach for a shot, it would take me quite a while to get up again - nice work!

Michelle said...

They are such beautiful plants. You captured that blossom quite well!

Anonymous said...

Hope you get caught up on your photo editing. Being without electricity is no fun.

The Bleeding Hearts are gorgeous!


Barbara said...

Beautiful capture and great edit, I love the heart shape of this flower.
Visiting from Tuesday Muse.

Ida said...

This is lovely. I have a White Bleeding Heart plant and just love it. They are such dainty flowers. Your editing is really pretty.

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Atleast you get your exercise in,,,up,down,up,down....just to take a foto....all in the name of art,,,right. It is a great shot!!

Rosie Grey said...

I love bleeding hearts, but haven't seen them here so far. White one's are so special - I hardly ever find them, if at all! Lovely processing, Evelyn!

Inspired By June said...

Beautiful, Evelyn! So glad you made the effort to share this with us!

Anonymous said...

The white bleeding hearts are so beautiful!

Lisa said...

I've never seen a white bleeding heart. It's lovely! Well worth the time you spent on your tummy!
Visiting from Tuesday Muse.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I've never seen white ones, only pink/purple. Outstanding!