Monday, March 9, 2015

P52 Sweet Shot Tuesday #10

The first Monday of Daylight Savings Time, so it's 9 a.m. on the clock but really 8 a.m. in my body!  I drove up out of our valley to look for a photo subject in the drab color of late winter and found it at a body of water where many area kids learn to fish.  Roulet Pond is only 2 miles out of town, right next to the state highway.  I hadn't been there for years, but today I stood on the south bank and noticed the perfect reflections in the still water.  This is my choice for Kent Weakley's P52 and Sweet Shot Tuesday. 


4 Lettre Words said... clear and BLUE, Evelyn! Love it.

Gail Dixon said...

Gorgeous reflection!! I'd love to fish there.

Out And About Global said...

That is a gorgeous reflection!

Denise Bickmore said...

Perfect reflection indeed -- and beautiful color!

Ida said...

Very pretty reflection.

NCSue said...

Beautifully sharp and clear - well captured!
I hope you'll come share your image at