Monday, June 1, 2015

Texture Tuesday {Peony Pink}

My peonies are opening!  We've had warm days and nights, out-of-the-ordinary humidity, thunderstorms, rain and hail....and the peonies seem to be just fine with it.  For me, it's generally a surprise to see just which peony is blooming where.  Some are blooming for the first time, and I get especially excited when a variety is not only beautiful, but is fragrant, too.  Joining Kim for Texture Tuesday.

Edited with Perfect Effects 8 and kk_chaos


ju-north said...

this is so lovely! Never seen white peonies!

Marilyn said...

Lucky you. I would love to grow them in my yard. Unfortunately it just doesn't get cold enough here in the winter. And…Trader Joe's are so unpredictable. First ones I got were beautiful and lasted a week. The next batch bloomed out within a couple hours. The last batch never opened. So, you are blessed to have them.
Your image is just beautiful!

EarlK said...

Beautiful. They are so wonderful and their fragrance is fantastic.

elizabeth said...

Gorgeous work, Evelyn!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Beverly said...

Love the matte tones and gentle mood! Beautifully done. Have a lovely weekend!