Thursday, March 24, 2016

Along that little road...

There are days when I just have to get out with my camera!  These blah days don't offer much in the way of subjects, but I get in my car and drive UP (always up because our town is in a valley) to a hill, a wide-open flat, or another valley.  So often, I visit Golding Road, a little dirt and gravel road named for the homestead that once stood beside it.  The trees are still there, and I've photographed them so many times, in all seasons.  On a foggy morning after nighttime rain, I pulled on a sweatshirt, sweat pants, and picked up my camera.  Knowing that dirt roads are muddy this time of year, I opted to drive our pickup instead of my car.  These are three images I'm pleased with; trees and fences are at the top of my "favorite subjects" list.   Two were turned into "posters" -- the quotes I chose reflect my concern with our current political climate.  Linking up with Good Fences this Thursday. 


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the misty shots and also the fanatastic last shot. Have a HAPPY EASTER.

Barb said...

I just love the droplets on the barbed wire. Your quotes are very apt.

Unknown said...

Evelyn, your blah days look pretty darn beautiful to me.
I just love these photographs.

Ida said...

Yeah you posted for GF today. Super fence shots. The quotes were great too. Loved all of these shots very much.

TexWisGirl said...

just beautiful, evelyn. thanks for sharing these today! hope you are well.

Michelle said...

These are fantastic!

LV said...

Great shots with perfect words. Thanks for sharing.

doodles n daydreams said...

Lovely photographs, I especially like the top one.


Bill said...

Wow--- a beautiful grouping. I love these.

Anonymous said...

I love those trees.

http:/ said...

LOVE that Bertrand Russell quote (and the photos).
I love your cards too.