Wednesday, August 3, 2016

30 Minutes in a Field of Sunflowers

Each summer, I try to find a field of sunflowers planted by one of the many farmers in the Grande Ronde Valley.  Rarely are farmlands fenced, and I respect private land.   It's especially good to find a field with easy access from a road.


Anonymous said...

How pretty. It's hard to feel down when you look at sunflowers.

Electric | Journal said...

Gorgeous... sunflowers are something I always look for when driving the backroads of farm country, and I feel so lucky when I find them! said...

Yay! looking for sunflowers here, hope to find some soon! Enjoying yours now!

Leslie Miller said...

Hello, Evelyn! I finally clicked over to your photography blog... what a treat! I'm putting you in Feedly now so I can continually be amazed. Your photos are fantastic! Do you know about the Uni-piper in Portland? Rides a unicycle while playing bagpipes. Sometimes wears a Darth Vader costume and has fire coming out of the bagpipes. That's my friend's son-in-law. Definitely helping to keep Portland weird. He's actually quite educated and gainfully employed. Does aerial mapping. My friend's daughter is working on her PhD. Ahhh, youth!