Saturday, August 3, 2019

Summer Garden -- the Most Variety

I know why I like my summer flowers best of all...because there is so much variety!  I tend to cram perennials into tighter spaces than they should have, just so I can have the summer and early fall color.  This means planting in and among the many peony plants that I also have, which take a lot of room and shouldn't be cut down before fall so the plant can get extra nourishment.  Rudbeckia and echinacea are my favorite perennials; they are commonly called "black-eyed Susans" and "coneflowers."  I also have two perennial sunflower plants next to the tall annual ones I planted this spring.  For the first time, I have a late-blooming clematis.  (I have planted at least 8 different clematis plants, but only three do anything.)


Denise Bickmore said...

all of your flowers are such beautiful colors!

Bill said...

Absolutely breathtaking... wow!

Electric | Journal said...

The summer bloomers are my favorites, too... but maybe because they do the best in my garden. Garden phlox, hydrangea, purple coneflowers, Rudbeckia, Rose Campion, and shasta daisies all bloom through the heat, when everything else starts to wilt. I miss the blue and purple perennials, although if I'm diligent about deadheading, the Veronica Spicata and bachelor's buttons will carry on for a while longer. Your varied purple coneflowers are beautiful!

Barb said...

Oh gosh - I’m afraid I’m in flower envy! Just as my painted daisies were about to bloom, the moose decided on a tasty treat. Is that pink right above the sunflower a Bee Balm? I have purple but that pink really pops.