Wednesday, June 12, 2024

My Favorite Flower and Time of Year

 It's time for peonies to bloom in NE Oregon...a too-short season.  Three of my siblings and I have "inherited" our late mother's love of and for the peony, and we grow them in a variety of locations at our homes.  One brother has amazing peonies in the "horse pasture."  He and his wife rescued so many of our mother's plants when they were being plowed under after her death.  The quick transplant was in a pasture, where they thrive and bloom like jewels in the grass.  Another brother grows his smaller collection around his house, interspersed with beautiful lupines.  My sister has a more "controlled" planting in her back yard, some against a shed, others in an open garden space, and early bloomers developed by our mother beneath a concrete ledge in the yard.  Mine are along a chain link fence on the east side of our house and in two large flower beds on the west side in open sun.  A family text helps us keep track of each other's flowers because only two of the gardens are in the same town. As of this post, we are halfway through the peony season.  I try hard to spend time with my camera to record each year's beauty. 

An experiment with a photo book of peonies as the background.

The variety of the early blooms. 


1 comment:

Bill said...

They're wonderful--- A house down the road used to have a bunch in the front yard. They'd bloom and be beautiful for a couple of days before a sudden windy rain storm would knock them down. Great pictures!