Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grown Children at Home....a Simple Pleasure

It's time for Dayle's Simple Pleasures visit again.  I haven't participated since mid-March, and that was the week our oldest son flew to Oregon from New York .  He spent some time with his brother in Portland, and then they drove east to "home"  to visit together for the first time in 2 1/2 years.   One thing the oldest (a chef in Brooklyn)  said he wanted to do while here was have a "cooking class" for the young daughters of his three girl cousins.   Creme brulee was the menu choice, involving breaking and separating eggs, tearing basil, and burning raw sugar topping with a propane torch.   The class included five girls, ages 16, 11, 8, 7, and 2.     The audience included 12 adults in my sister's kitchen.    Although I've had two photo books made to preserve this delightful evening, I have some favorite images: separating the eggs and "torching" the sugar topping.

I suppose the evening was "simple" only for us who watched, but it was certainly a pleasure for everyone.
(Each of the photos can be enlarged with a click.)

Even the 16-year-old isn't jumping in right away!

This was the 2-year-old's second egg.   She crushed the first one.

Whisking the sugar and egg mix is the next step. 

Tearing basil for the flavoring.

Like the TV shows, the final product was prepared the night before. 

"Brulee" means "burned" which is where the torch comes in.


Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Oh my goodness! Evelyn, I loved this post! What patience your son must have, and what a wonderful family event, a sure simple pleasure.

TexWisGirl said...

oh my. what an attempt!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

What a sweet thing for your son to do. To take what he loves and share with others. That is true passion. I love that even the 2 year old got to participate. Love creme brulee! Best wishes, Tammy

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

what a fabulous way to spend time as a family...IF that handsome son ever wants to come to Texas and do a cooking class here, I know a street full of kids from 16 to 2 that would love to participate!

Unknown said...

How fun! What a blessing your family is!

Debbie said...

That's my husbands's favorite dessert. It would give him great pleasure if I learned how to make it.

For you, just watching Uncle Chef be so sweet to those kids had to be something just wonderful in the heart. What a great evening.

Lisa Gordon said...

What a wonderful memory to keep Evelyn!
This is also my favorite dessert. Even more than chocolate!!

Ms.Daisy said...

Your son is adorable and so, so sweet to show his cousins how to make creme brulee...I would love to have a chef in MY kitchen showing me how to make anything! So much fun for your Simple Pleasure!


Nikki (Sarah) said...

what fun and love those pictures.

Trish said...

What a great fun family thing to do!
Sharing skills and those yummy results :-)
Just lovely!
bless you Evelyn..Trish

Justine said...

how lovely, what great memories.

Lesley said...

This is wonderful-I love this kind of occasion where everyone is involved! And I'm sure seeing them all together would just make your heart want to burst! Lovely family memory.

La Vie Quotidienne said...

How nice to see a family gathered around the kitchen cooking and sharing time together. The totally attentive look on those little faces was priceless. I am sure that the results were excellent...yummy! Have a great day.

Gail Dixon said...

What fun memories you've captured. Beautiful family you have. :)

Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

What a sweet, sweet family.
I am now one of your newest followers.
Evelyn, I thank you...but as I have often said....I am one of the OLD SCHOOL Photographers ( ie:- film)...but have been completely converted to Digital now.
I started with a Brownie Hawkeye camera when I was 8. I am now 73.
So its been a re-learning curve for me to practice the digital process along with PhotoShop & PSP. Just love the look of your images and those that use filters, masks and gives modern images that "OLD Timey" look that I SO admire.
My work was mostly Still Life's to begin with.. sold at Art Fairs...and then later, my Portrait Studio earned my living for many years.
It is such a honor for me to learn from you younger ladies ( and gentelmen) how to do it now.


Courtney said...

Beautiful family and what great memories you made. So fun!

Elise/One Woman, Reinvented said...

What a great event -- it looks as if a good time was had by all!

Audra Michelle said...

How fantastic! It's so hard to be far from family. It's wonderful that you all had such sweet (literally) time together!

Rosie Grey said...

I love your post, Evelyn! And such precious photos - gorgeous! Have a wonderful week!

joco said...

What fun.
All those concentrated young faces and the beautiful skin. What memories you managed to preserve.

Karen said...

What a fun get-together! It looks like everyone was having a great time :)