Thursday, August 16, 2012

Into the Light

This week's Beyond Layers II challenge is to shoot into the light and then add texture to the image.  I photographed a black-eyed Susan, a rose, a tomato blossom, and a "silver" petunia. The petunia seems to work the best.

I desaturated the image slightly and then applied KK Paris Texture with multiply blending mode at 62%. I duplicated the layer  and chose soft light at 62%.  This gave me the "words" I desired.  The second texture is KK Soft and Sanded ShakespeareanSonnet, which I stretched to remove the text and blended at soft light 61%.


Laerte Pupo said...

Nice work.

Candy C. said...

That is really beautiful!! :)
I'm still learning all this texture stuff and a lot of the terms you use are still Greek to me! LOL!!

Anonymous said...


Gail Dixon said...

I have never seen a silver petunia! Love the wording on the texture. It's always nice to see fuzz on a plant also. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice and it's a petunia too!

Ahayes1225 said...

Very nice, love that sunflower field.

Mary Ann Roesler said...

It's nice to see something outside the box....very creative.

Anonymous said...

Really pretty work!!