Monday, March 4, 2019

Week #9 P52

I'm in the stage of buying flowers regularly, just so I can create floral still life images.  Still surrounded by feet of snow (our town has experienced a total of 68.9 inches of snow this winter), I have run out of ideas for snow photos.  As is my case, I am limited in my indoor photography too...very little space with natural light.  Grocery store flowers can be beautiful. (Note that the book is an antique I bought -- it's a book of Blue Laws!)


Bill said...

A wonderful picture! Absolutely beautiful! I remember one of the big national magazines had a "it's the law" feature each week-- back in the 50's. Weird laws, blue laws, silly stuff.

Leslie Miller said...

Oh, my, beautiful! I should be buying flowers every time I go to the store, sheesh!