My choices for Friday's Fences are typical of my geographical location: many are barbed wire or woven wire, steel posts, or old worn wooden posts. This week, I'm not straying from what I know!
oh, wow ... i see what happened some how i got to last weeks fence 1st ... weird? it had me scratching my head. that is a great fence. guess they really want to keep something out. (:
Never realized the stories that a fence could tell until started participating in the Friday Fences meme. Your fence subject is a good example. Love the way you've shot the photo without too much "tinkering".
By the way, thanks for answering my question about how you shot last week's entry. Didn't understand a word but appreciated your taking the time to educate. :-) So much that I need to learn.
I just love fences and these leaning ones have charm about them. I like the surrounding dried branches, grasses and the overhanging pine. A pleasing composition with depth created in the shadows behind. Still some snow too!
Beautiful picture, it could have been here at my home in Norway.
Good weekend, Marit, Norway
but it looks great with the brown grasses and green pines!
YOur area fascinates me, so much texture and colour
Very nice shot.
Regards and best wishes
oh, wow ... i see what happened some how i got to last weeks fence 1st ... weird? it had me scratching my head. that is a great fence. guess they really want to keep something out. (:
Old n broken down...yep thats rustic n charming to me!!! Great shot.
Great photo, I love this old fence!
Never realized the stories that a fence could tell until started participating in the Friday Fences meme. Your fence subject is a good example. Love the way you've shot the photo without too much "tinkering".
By the way, thanks for answering my question about how you shot last week's entry. Didn't understand a word but appreciated your taking the time to educate. :-) So much that I need to learn.
I just love fences and these leaning ones have charm about them. I like the surrounding dried branches, grasses and the overhanging pine. A pleasing composition with depth created in the shadows behind. Still some snow too!
You've captured it well, weathered but still serving...
The greenery frames the fencing quite nicely.
Great shot. A wonderful old fence.
Great capture. I love this.
Tumbledown fences make interesting shots!
Waiting for the Women at the Fence
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