Saturday, April 28, 2012

Flowers for Leontien

I'm joining with other bloggers to send a floral HUG to Leontien of Four Leaf Clover Dairy as she fights the dreaded "C."  (Click on the button above to see all the floral hugs!)

Joining in with others at Nancy's A Rural Journal


Candy C. said...

Lovely blossoms!!

TexWisGirl said...

THANK YOU, evelyn, for sharing in the support! such beauty!

Ida said...

These are just so pretty.
This was a wonderful thing to participate in.

It's me said...

O yes….Leontien need this !!! for all the blog girls who give her flowers today !!…glad you did this….love Ria…xxx…

Lisa Gordon said...

A beautiful image, and such a wonderful gift for Leontien.

bj said...

Sooo pretty. I have a grandson that just moved to Portland...I am thrilled that he will see sights like this.:)

Nancy said...

So pretty Evelyn -- and so happy you were able to share one of your beautiful photos with us in support of Leontien. xoxo

rainfield61 said...

Such a beauty, that is full of love.

Buttons Thoughts said...

These are just perfect what a beautiful photo. B

Gail Dixon said...

Beautiful. Hope Leontien can beat this. She's had such a rough go. :(

Leontien said...

Hi Evelyn,

Big hugs back and thank you sooooo much for this sweet gesture!!
