Friday, March 20, 2015

Random Friday

Where did the week go?  I can say that, but it also seemed to last forever... it was one of those weeks absolutely full of things I HAD to do, which isn't nearly as much fun as the things I WANT to do!   It's time for Nancy's Random 5 Friday.

1. I've become active on Instagram, with many of my posts relating to the still life photography course I'm taking this year.  IG means photos need to be square, which doesn't work all the time.  It did with this one, though.

 2. I made one of my routine visits to the Eastern Oregon University campus, and was delighted to find the Star Magnolia tree blooming in the little enclosed memorial garden that's tucked in between two old buildings.

 3. I spent most of my week working on the annual Chamber of Commerce awards banquet.  I'm not a business person, but volunteered with this organization more than two years ago.  We have a very small business community, and an even smaller active Chamber---primarily women who already have their plates full with jobs.  As a retiree, I get to do fun things, such as get 60 folding chairs moved from the rodeo grounds to the community center and back after the banquet. The "after" job involved returning 9 large round tables that we had borrowed, too.  Thank heavens for a small Metals class at the high school and a teacher who was willing to bring his 6 students in a small bus to do the heavy work.

4. My kitchen table looks like this because my paper crafting has been on hold for a couple of weeks.  Good thing we don't ever use the table!

5. This is what I WANT to be doing--playing with a camera.   I love working with still life, and decided to try some vibrant colors, for a change.  Green and purple always look good together, I think!


Michelle said...

Beautiful instagram shots.

A Colorful World said...

Such beautiful photos!

Unknown said...

These are wonderful, Evelyn! I especially love the first one. Such beautiful tones in that photograph.

P.S. If you have a minute, please do send me your Instagram name, so I can follow. :-)

Unknown said...

OMG that Magnolia, so so beautiful. Still life is always nice and fun, I wish I had the time to try something but new schedules at work ruins my shooting hobby, seems I'm working all the time so no more time (okay less time) for some fun/nice things to do :)
Keep shooting still life, looks lovely dear.

CountryMum said...

Your still life photography is stunning!

Anonymous said...

I love those vibrant colors!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photography--and subjects. What a blessing to have help with the tables and chairs. My desk looks very similar to your table (ours gets little use for meals, too) and it just doesn't seem right for all those supplies to lie there unused, does it?

Anonymous said...

You certainly have been busy. How nice to be able to take a still life class. That sounds like a lot of fun.