Saturday, February 13, 2016

Catching Up

I'm not certain what the problem is...I tend to blame a lot of my blogging problems on Facebook, though.  It's a convenient platform for my individual photos, and as a result, my blog suffers.  Maybe it's time to think about dropping the blog.  It has been a week short of a month since I posted here, but I've posted on Facebook and Flickr.  Go figure! Snow photos have been enjoyable, but the snow in the valley has melted, and my eye can't see a lot of interesting subjects.  I've gone back to some still life for a colorful break.


Bill said...

LOVE your banner picture! But then I love your three posted pictures. Beautiful.

Candy C. said...

I LOVE the angle on that first shot and the pink really pops!
I know what you mean about keeping up with the blog, mine fell by the wayside for a year but I'm back to one post a week. Facebook is more immediate and easier. :)

Unknown said...

I'll find you wherever you might be, my friend!
I think all of these photos are wonderful, but the last one here?
Pure perfection to me.