Friday, April 1, 2016

Random 5 Friday

It's great to have Nancy of Rural Journal back in blogland!  I'm joining her Random 5 Friday meme:

1. My 7-year-old great-niece stays with me each Friday because we have a 4-day school system. Her mama is vice-president of the regional university and her daddy works at a car dealership. She's also with me after school on Tuesdays.

2. I have two books started on Kindle and two "real" books started, with no plan to finish any of them.

3. Each day, I visit my flower garden spaces to see what's coming stalks of peonies which won't bloom until late May or early June, new spring bulbs I planted last fall, bright daffodils, and buds of early tulips with leaves nipped by deer that visit during the night. ("Deer Out" spray becomes a weekly regimen now.)

4. Facebook and Instagram are my social media favorites; I follow several fabulous photographers on IG, marveling at their images. 

5. I planted one (expensive) lilac this week.  It's called "Sensation," and has purple flowers edged in white, so different from my old-fashioned varieties.  I hope I live long enough to see it bloom!  :-)


Alica said...

I'd love to see that lilac in bloom! It does seem to take them forever to bloom for the first time, doesn't it?

Maggid said...

Stunning Photo -
4 day school? Great opportunities for extra exploration . . good thing YOU are there . . .

Ida said...

I bet you have a grand time with your great-niece, that is such a fun age.
I have several real books I checked out from the library, I started 2 but just haven't gotten into them enough to want to finish them.
Getting ready to plant geraniums here this coming week.
I'm not on FB that much and haven't joined Instagram at all.
Your Lilac sounds wonderful.

Snap said...

Nothing like digging in the garden ... lucky you to have peonies and lilacs ... neither will grow where I live. I have to enjoy those blooms vicariously through bloggers (and FB). You sound busy. Happy Friday!

living from glory to glory said...

Hi Your Lilac bush sounds beautiful, it seems like every year we get a freeze and my lilacs do not bloom very well!
I also enjoy instagram!
I enjoyed meeting you on this post!
Blessings, Roxy

Barb said...

I love lilac but can't grow them at high altitude (stay well!). Nothing but snow coming up in my garden - so smell the flowers for me. I don't know what I'd do without the Kindle. PS Your Header is great!

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Such beautiful blues Evelyn!
I'll look forward to seeing future pics of your new Lilac too.

Nancy said...

Our lilacs (all 200 of them!) are budding now. Won't be long now.
Thanks for joining in Ev -- I've missed you!

TexWisGirl said...

lilacs... *sigh*

Birgitta said...

Like this! So beautiful!
Ps: My peony photo is from summer 2015.
We have still snow here ;)