Tuesday, December 26, 2017

December and Snow

Last year's winter was one-in-30-years...snow started the day after Thanksgiving and didn't seem to end until March!  The wind blew and the snow piled higher.  It truly was momentous.  This year...different.  It got cold, but there wasn't any "real" snow until right before Christmas. The scenes here are all at Wallowa Lake, which is at an elevation of 4700 feet.  The area had been under a temperature inversion, so the hoar frost was beautiful. It was only 29 degrees, so my photo session was a bit rushed.  Now that the region has had at least 6 inches more snow, I need to visit the lake again.


Bill said...

Wonderful! Especially the second from the end!

Unknown said...

Evelyn, these photographs are absolutely gorgeous!
I love the wonderful blues with all of that frost.
Wishing you a very, very Happy New Year.