Monday, August 13, 2012

Crater Lake...above and below

My husband and I have actually taken three good trips this year:  New York City in April to visit our oldest son; Cant Historic Ranch in the Fossil Beds of Eastern Oregon; Crater Lake in the south-central part of Oregon, where we spent 2 days with another couple who served as our "tour guides."
Crater Lake was formed when a massive eruption of Mount Mazama 7700 years ago caused the mountain to collapse, leaving a steaming caldera. Centuries of rain and snow filled the caldera creating Crater Lake.

Photos can speak for themselves.  

Deepest lake in the United States 

Lake is filled by only rain and snow; there are no inlets or outlets

Reminder of the 44 feet of annual snow on the lake rim

The shape of the caldera is obvious here

Plaikni Falls ... a hike of over a mile


Pinnacles..."chimneys" of ash from the eruption nearly 8,000 years ago

Two 35-passenger tour boats on the lake

Skeleton of white bark pine on a rock crag above the lake

Pumice Castle 

Phantom Ship

Vidae Falls--along the rim highway

Wizard Island...a small volcano within the caldera

The water is blue from any elevation, including the two-hour boat tour.

The "strenuous" path from top to bottom and bottom to top can be seen in this photo. 1.1 miles to gain 700 feet in elevation---a little more than 30 minutes of hiking.  

Path near water level


Gail Dixon said...

Wow. A stunning place. You must've had a ball with your camera on this trip. Bravo!

Jeannelle said...

Nice shots! Thank you for the tour.

Candy C. said...

What a beautiful place! All the pictures are great and I especially like the one framed by the tree trunks, the pine tree skeleton and the "sparkly" water with the Phantom Ship! :)

Daryl said...

i was going to ask how you get down to the water .. and then you showed us .. awesome place .. exquisite photos

Bridget Larsen said...

Gorgeous pictures where is this place?

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful series. Your photos showcase the beauty of Crater Lake.

Nancy said...

The rock formations here are fantastic -- great captures of your trip. xo